Monday, February 12, 2007

Pastor Rick

From: L Rhinewood
This is my second attempt at writing erotic fiction.  The situations and
events in this story are entirely fictional and the author does not condone
the abuse of anyone and STRONGLY urges you to obey the laws in your
jurisdiction. Any similarities between real persons living or dead is
entirely coincidental. If it is illegal to read this type of material
where you live or find sex between grown men and minors offensive, then
please turn back now. Otherwise, the author appreciates ALL comments and
or suggestions. I can be reached at Happy


My name is Pastor Rick Wilson and I'm the preacher of a small Baptist
church in Murphysboro Tennessee. Although I was raised in a large suburb
of Memphis, attended TSU and had offers from all across the county to work,
I decided on the small town of Murphysboro knowing that the majority of my
congregation would be rural and blue collar (mostly farmers, plant workers
and those in the trade industries). But that was fine by me I thought.
Better to be a big fish in a little pond as the old saying goes and I
really thought I could help the people of this impoverished town. In my 18
something years as spiritual advisor to this small community, I've pretty
much heard it all and I do my best maintain an air of objectivity and quiet
compassion. I didn't think there was much I hadn't heard, at least that is
until I met a young man by the name of Curtis Swindle. Curtis was a new
member to our Church and my friendly congregation welcomed him and his
young son Rex with open arms. Yet I knew from the start that young Curtis
had problems. Many a Sunday morning he arrived at Church with a hang-over,
barely able to stay awake much less focus on that weeks sermon and I was
determined to speak to him in private and get down to the root of what I
thought was ailing him. Little did I know I would be led down a dark road
deception and depravity that I would remember for years to cum.

Curtis worked at the local feed mill. It was a large operation that
employed half of Murphysboro. Its purpose was to supply the southern
states with livestock feed among other necessities. Curtis was only 27
when I met him but already his life was spiraling out of control. Just how
much so I would soon learn. He had had a young son out of wedlock and
decided to raise the boy himself. Being a father myself, I believed it
took two parents to raise a child, a case bolstered by my involvement with
Mr. Swindle. Often times his young son Rex would show up to Vacation Bible
School in dirty ill-fitting clothes. It was obvious the young boy had
outgrown most of them and they were a couple sizes too small. His hair was
usually a tangled mess but he was absolutely adorable nonetheless. The
mothers of the church soon took to the boy and were buying him clothes,
feeding him and basically seeing to it that he got the mothering that he
needed. Curtis was a different story completely. Even though he was a
fairly good looking young man, very tall and exceptionally thin with
piercing blue eyes and a wide sardonic grin, he possessed an attitude of
sultry indifference and he would have been quite handsome if it didn't look
as if he were always brooding about something. Not to mention he was a
little scruffy and rough around the edges. Yet despite all that he had the
young single women of the Church swooning over him and he never lacked for
a hot meal as they were always delivering him and his son plate lunches and
trying to get him to attend the singles group, but Curt never did. Too
much of a loner I assumed. I even tried to set him up with a friend of
mine but to no avail. Curtis just wasn't interested and I figured it was
his double shifts at the plant.

Then what I feared most happened. He stopped showing up to Church and
rumor had floated around town that he was doing drugs again and that little
Rex had been left neglected in their filthy trailer out on Route 10. It
was the 4th Sunday of the month and as I looked out at the crowd of
familiar faces and spotting an empty pew where Curtis and his son sat, I
decided right then and there to drop by his house to check up on the pair
in what I hoped would be a friendly intervention.

I admit I got a late start. After getting home, doing household chores and
taking care of my own kids, I got into my 2002 Chevy Impala and drove to
the outer edges of town down a dark tree lined street to a place known as
Little Italy. It's dotted here and there by a farm or two, rural white
trash is what the townsfolk call it, but I try not to judge my flock. It
was late, almost 9:00pm and I hoped Curtis would be awake. I passed
through a cattle guard, down a long winding dirt road and finally spotted
his singlewide trailer in the distance. It was worse than I had feared.
The yard was littered with garbage, overgrown weeds and even beer bottles
strewn about here and there. Now this was not the place to raise a child I
thought shaking my head in disbelief while shutting off the engine and
taking a deep breath before getting out with my Bible in hand. I was
planning to read him a couple scriptures and basically convince him to come
back to the Church. I glanced over at Curtis' beat up red Ford truck
sitting beneath a tree nearby so I knew they were home.

I adjusted my tie and feeling a bit overdressed proceeded through the
knee-high weeds to the trailers unlit front entrance. I knocked twice. I
could hear loud music inside and someone stomping around in what sounded
like heavy work boots. I suddenly wondered if Curtis had company.

"Hello?" I shouted out over the music. "Is anyone home?"

After what seemed like several minutes I saw the curtain inside the trailer
pull back and Curtis peer out cautiously. Once he realized it was me he
put up his hand in a gesture to let me know he'd be a second. I could hear
someone moving around rather frantically and a couple seconds later the
door opened and there stood Curtis, bare chested in tight fitting jeans
that it looked like he'd just slipped on. He was barefoot and I was
surprised at all the tattoos on his arms and torso. A cigarette hung from
his mouth and he stuck out his hand quickly inviting me in.

"Hey Rev." He said smiling that infamous Swindle smile. "Didn't expect to
see you here so late."

"I hope it's not too late." I said gripping my Bible tighter to my chest
than I realized. "I just wanted to drop by and make sure you were doing

Curtis stepped aside as I entered the dingy trailer and if I'd thought his
yard was a mess his home was even worse.

"Good god Curtis. This place is a disaster."

Curtis just grinned and kicked away some of the trash that littered the

"Uh, yeah I know Pastor Rick. I've been working double shifts and don't
have time to clean up like I'd like to."

I nodded then sat down in an old blue rocker peering around me wondering
how people lived like this.

"You want a beer?" Curtis asked me going to the fridge and grabbing a cold

"No thanks." I said wanting to maintain some kind of composure. "I think
I'll pass."

Suddenly I jumped as Curtis began shouting unexpectedly.

"Rex! Get your little ass out here and pick up some of this shit!"

I heard a door in the back of the trailer open and then heard soft
footsteps move down the dark hallway. Suddenly Rex stood before me, his
eyes squinched up as he rubbed them the way kids do. It was obvious he'd
been sleeping. His hair stuck up in all directions but he was still
adorable nonetheless.

"Hi Pastor Rick." He said standing next to my chair. "What are you doing

"Well Hello Rex." I said glad to see the boy was still alive. "I've just
dropped by to check up on you and your dad."

He smiled then showing his small front teeth. There was a gap between the
two top teeth and it gave him a "What's up doc - Bugs Bunny" sort of look.

Then I gasped as I glanced down. The boy was completely naked form the
waist down.

"I thought I told you to clean this shit up before I got home." His father
barked standing in the kitchen gulping down his beer.

"Sorry dad, I forgot." Rex said moving into the living room bending over
to pick up various bits of debris. My eyes were still glued to his naked
little butt and smooth white legs. He was skinny, that's for sure but
didn't look all that mal-nourished. I was uncomfortable to say the least.
His father didn't bat an eye, like it was the most natural thing in the
world to have his 6-year-old child greet guests in such a shameful way.

"Uh, Curtis - shouldn't the boy put on some clothes." I asked glancing
down as the boy picked up this and that. At times he bent over so far his
hairless 6-year-old crack gaped open and I was assaulted with a view of his
tiny anus.

"Oh god." I murmured.

"What for." Curtis said moving from around the counter to hand me a beer
that I'd refused a few minutes before. "He'll just piss or shit in them
later on."

I didn't understand the logic.

"Well then you -wash- them Curtis." I said as the boy continued to weave
around the trailer coming within inches of me. When he turned toward me I
couldn't help but notice his small immature penis and balls. His dick
stuck out like a small thumb and his testicles were completely smooth as
was the rest of him.

I glanced up and watched Curt eyeing me closely the way he did everyone.

"Besides Rev, it's hot as hell in here and I don't got no money to pay the
electric bill." I nodded realizing that many of my congregation were in
this bad financial state.

Curtis then plopped down in a chair opposite mine spreading his long legs
wide placing his large bare feet firmly on the footrests. The TV was
turned down low and it's bright blue light filled the room. I think the
news was on and I figured it must have been around 10:00pm. It was then I
realized just how well defined Curtis actually was. His chest was rock
hard and the gold chain he wore sparkled. I figured his physique was due
to his work at the plant. I myself, at 38 had gained a few pounds since
college and I'd lost my athletic build. Something that bothered my wife
more than me. Once again I glanced up to see Curtis' intense blue eyes

"So watcha wanna talk about Rev." Curtis said tipping up the beer and
taking a gulp, the muscles in his long neck flexing.

"Uh, I just wanted to see why you haven't been to church in awhile. I've
been worried about you is all."

Curtis nodded and sat as if thinking. "No offense Rev, but it's all
basically a bunch of bull shit. Not you I mean. Mostly just the

"Well why do you say that?" I asked genuinely concerned that he felt that

"Well they act so god-damn -uh, sorry Rev - so damn pious and self
righteous. I just couldn't take it anymore."

I nodded knowing it must have seemed that way for a young man like Curtis.

"B-sides, I got my religion right here at home." He said and cocked his
head over at his son Rex who was now sitting on the floor in front of the

"Well what do you mean?" I asked him not catching his drift.

"Aw, you know Rev. Just me and my boy. He's all I got. He keeps me in

"But Curtis, he's just a kid." I said giving in to temptation and popping
open the top to the beer he'd handed me. I needed the nerve to continue my
train of thought. "I think you need the interaction and guidance of other

Curtis just shrugged and lit a cigarette.

"Maybe you need to come back to the church and find yourself a good woman.
The boy here needs a mother and you could certainly use some help around
the house." I said this and grinned hoping he'd see the logic in it all.

Instead Curtis surprised me by laughing.

"Don't need no loud mouth bitch bossing me around and telling me what to
do." Curtis said matter of factly. "I had one of those remember and it
took me forever to get rid of her."

Again I nodded feeling defeated. This was not going as I had planned.

"Come on Rev." Curt began again. "You're married. You know what it's

"Yes Curtis. It is hard sometimes. Marriage is a commitment but in the
long run it's worth it." I said taking a swig of beer. It had been a
while since I'd drank and I found it refreshingly cool and warm at the same

My eyes widened as Curtis reached down to scratch his balls
unselfconsciously. It was obvious he was had been drinking for a while and
that he was even getting drunk?

"Uh, maybe I better come back at a more appropriate time." I said feeling
I was getting no where.

"Don't go yet." Curt suddenly piped up. "You said I needed the company of
adults. Well you're the closest to an adult I've seen in almost 3 weeks."

"Three weeks?" I said flabbergasted. "What about your job?"

"Got canned." Curtis said matter of factly stubbing out his cigarette. He
then blew out a large cloud of smoke. I realized how bad this atmosphere
was for young Rex who still sat basically naked in front of the TV starring
up at the bad picture through his small glasses. I noticed he seemed to
have his hand down between his legs playing with his privates?

"Well what happened?" I asked incredulous. "And what have you been doing
to support yourself?"

"Ah, it's that foreman James Grimes. He's had it in for me from the

I shook my head in disbelief. "So how are you making ends meet?" I asked
him genuinely concerned.

"Unemployment." Curtis said. "It's the best thing in the world. "Now I
can spend all my time with little Rex here. Don't even need a baby

I shook my head. Things were much worse than I had feared.

I glanced down at Rex who was now picking his nose.

"Hey fuck head. Knock that off. We have company." Curt yelled at his
small son.

Rex took his finger away and continued to watch TV not even turning to look
at his father.

"Curtis." I said in my best father knows best tone of voice. "Do you
really think you should talk to your son that way?"

Curt just shrugged. "He's use to it." Was his only reply. Suddenly he
barked out a command to his son.

"Hey fuck head. Get up and get me a beer."

I watched in disbelief as Rex got up, padded into the kitchen and retrieved
a beer for his father. I watched wide-eyed as he stood before his father,
still naked and handed him the beer.

"See, told you he was use to it." And with that he patted the boy on the
rear and then motioned for him to sit in the seat with him. I watched
little Rex climb into the chair and sit beside his father. The boy seemed
even smaller, sandwiched in between the arm of the chair and his tall lanky

To my astonishment he sat with his bony legs spread wide. I was speechless
but afraid to move. I took another sip of my beer. The scene before me
was getting more strange by the moment.

"I gotta admit Rev." Curtis said reaching down and resting his large hand
on Rex's thigh and running his long fingers gently to the boys knobby knee.
"I'm glad you decided to drop by. It gets lonely out here just the two of

I leaned in closer. "That's what I'm saying Curtis. You need to come back
to the fold. Bring little Rex here back to Church to see all his little

"He don't need em". Curtis finally said after appearing like he'd been
thinking it over.

"B'sides, I'm his best friend."

I shook my head then my jaw dropped as I was sure I saw Court's hand reach
down and gently fondle the boy. Rex's eyes were once again focused on the

I started to speak but then stopped.

"Rev. I gotta confession to make."

I sat back and took another big sip of beer. I realized I was gonna need

"Go ahead." Was all I said hoping for the best but fearing the worst.

Curtis suddenly leaned forward and staring at me hard mouthed the words as
if his son couldn't hear him.

"I been messin around with Rex." He said and then sat back waiting for my

My heart dropped into my stomach and I was taken completely off guard.

"I uh, I um." I stammered. "Did I hear you right???"

Curtis just grinned and continued stroking his son's leg. He shook his
head in the affirmative.

"But Curtis. That's not right!" I almost shouted surprising myself in my
own intensity.

Curtis just shrugged. "He don't mind. Do ya Rex?" He asked the boy who
nodded his head imperceptively eyes still glued to the TV.

"But Curtis. He's 6 goddamn years old! He doesn't know what's right or

"Yeah, but he knows what he LIKES." Curtis said and this time there was no
mistake when he reached down between the boys legs, grabbed his small cock
and began moving it back and forth between his long fingers. I watched in
disbelief as the 6 year olds privates became aroused and then what appeared
to be a small 2 inch erect cock sticking straight up between the mans'
molesting fingers. Rex never even looked down and continued to stare of
the Television.

"Oh god Curtis." I said "You can't do that?"

"Why not?" Curtis asked me still jacking on the boy. "He is -my- kid
after all."

I began sweating profusely and felt like the world was closing in around
me. I needed air and I needed it badly.

"It's not my fault Rev. I've been stuck here alone in this trailer now for
almost 3 years and I can't help it if I don't get none. I get awfully
fuckin horny."

But you CAN help it Curtis." I said grabbing the neck of my tie and trying
to pull it forward. "You're his father for christ's sake.

"Then who better to teach him?" Curtis said still masturbating the boy.
"I'm sick of women and I don't want no only one I got around is
this little fucker."

"Teach him what?" I asked exasperated at what was taking place before me.

"Teach him that it feels good to have his little dick played with. Don't
it son?" He asked the boy who nodded again not looking at the two of us.

"Buuttt" I stammered. "He's just a KID."

"Yeah, I know." Curtis said eyeing me closely. "Makes it even hotter.
Don't it?"

Besides being repulsed. Besides feeling like I was gonna throw up, I
couldn't help but feel an exited twinge of what I didn't know. I'd
counseled many a married man who had been messing around with their
underaged daughters and I had to admit the idea always intrigued me. But
actually seeing it happen before my very eyes was another story completely.

"Oh cum on Rev. There's NOTHING wrong with it. Hell, every little kid
should have the privilege of getting jacked off by his own dad. And it
don't matter that he's a boy. If I had a girl I'd be doin the same thing,
just stickin my fingers inside - that's all. Don't tell me you never even
-thought- about it."

I put my head down and sighed. I felt horrible. I had fingered my
8-year-old daughter Holly a time or two while bathing her but it was
something I wouldn't have admitted to another living soul.

"Ah ha!" Curtis said smiling. "I knew you did. I always thought you were
a closet pedophile."

"I am NOT a pedophile." I said angrily but I could regardless of what I
was saying feel my erection begin to grow in my khaki pants. This really
couldn't' be happening, could it?

"Oh yeah. Then just take a look at this Rev. Who could refuse THIS?"

With that question, Curtis moved forward on the recliner, grabbed Rex's
skinny ankles and pulled them apart completely exposing the boy before my
disbelieving eyes.

"Oh god." I murmured peering down between the 6 year olds legs gaping at
his small smooth ballsack, tiny gaping asshole and of course, his erect 2
inch pricklet. Now THIS is all I need Rev Rick. And believe me, I got em
trained real good."

"Trained?" I whispered yet already knowing the answer that was to come.

"Hell yeah Rev. You train em right the first time and they don't forget.
Do they boy?" With that his father reached down inserting his fat middle
finger up the boys small anus. Rex pushed his hips up evading his father's
probing digit. For the first time he looked up at his father. He nodded
his head yes.

I couldn't believe this was happening yet I couldn't tear my eyes away from
Curtis lewdly fingering his own 6 year old son. "See, got em opened up
real good. Just like a little boy cunt should be."

With that his father suddenly bopped him on the back of the head.

"Pay attention fuck head!" He shouted at the boy who finally turned his
head away from the television to stare at me. "Now go over to rev Rick and
show him what a grown up boy you are.

I shook my head in protestation. "No Curtis." I said waving my hands in
supplication. "I think I've seen enough."

"The fuck you have!" Curtis almost shouted rather loudly. You aaint seen
NOTHIN yet." With that he gave me the most lewd grin I think I've ever
seen. He picked the boy up, sat him on his lap and then told him to lean
back. Rex did as he was told staring up at the ceiling as his father once
again grabbed his ankles and spread his legs obscenely wide. I watched in
horrid fascination as the kid's asshole opened up to the size of a silver

"Holy fuck." I said breathing harder. "That's so damn nasty."

"Fuckin A it's nasty." Curtis replied.

I watched as his father stuck his middle finger in his mouth and brought it
back down between the boys hairless legs to trace a ring around the boys
puckered hole, the light from the TV making it look shiny and oh so damn

"Now THAT's what you call a boy hole."

Suddenly he inserted his finger and slowly began fingering the kid once
again. I watched as little Rex closed his eyes and let out a soft whimper.
Despite myself I had gotten extremely aroused and my cock noticeably
pressed against the thin fabric of my suit pants.

"Been openin' up this hole since he was just a babe." Curtis said proudly.
"At first though I just used my tongue. They like it more that way."

I shook my head wanting to stop what was taking place yet strangely unable
to make a move from where I sat. It was as if Curtis had some bizarre hold
on me, like he did his own son I guessed and it was his charismatic
personality that made me want to follow through with -whatever- he had in
mind. I once again dropped my jaw as I watched Curtis withdraw his long
middle finger, tell Rex to open wide and then inserted it into the boys
small mouth. I groaned seeing that and reached down to squeeze the head of
my cock without even realizing I had done so.

"That a boy." He cooed to his son softly. Suck on that dirty digit. Rex
did just that sucking the end of his father's finger slowly at first and
then greedily as his dad began pistoning his finger in and out of the boys
wet mouth.

"Fuck." I murmured softly.

"See, I told you he was a nasty little fucker." Curtis said to no one
imparticular. "I tell you Rev, my boy was BORN for this."

"Open your mouth and show the Reverend how you use your tongue." Curtis
said reaching down with his free hand to grab the boy's hard penis and
gently massage his balls.

Rex opened his mouth wide showing me his small tongue as it wrapped around
his father's finger. Curtis removed it and the boy stuck out his tongue

"Oh god." I moaned. "This can't really be happening." But it was
happening and right before my very eyes. Hell, I had a son Rex's age and I
couldn't imagine doing the things to him that Curtis was doing to this boy.

Curtis glanced at me and smiled. "Hot aint it." He said now running a
finger over the boy's asshole once again. Every now and then Rex would
buck his hips slightly so sensitive to his father's touch. The Curtis bent
down and whispered into Rex's ear. Rex nodded his head and in a flash had
hopped off his father's lap and stood before me, his small 2 inch cock
sticking straight out, the tiny head so shiny it looked like it hurt. It
was all I could do to keep from reaching out and touching it. Without a
hint of warning, he reached out and grabbed the head of my cock through my
khaki pants. I groaned and instinctively pushed his small hand away.

"No Rex." I said still trying to maintain some kind of ministerial control.
"Little boys shouldn't do that."

Rex stood back, placed his fist beneath his chin and eyed me curiously as
if he wasn't sure what to think. Had he made me angry?

"Oh cum on Rev." Curtis said getting up out of his chair. "Let the little
tyke suck you off. You aint experienced Nothin in life until you've had a
little six your old mouth around your cock."

"Absolutely NOT." I said horrified at the idea. "Besides I said matter of
factly, there's no way he can get my adult cock into his tiny mouth."

"The hell he can't!" Curtis snapped as if once again having to prove his
son's 'abilities.' "Watch this!"

With that Curt reached down, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down to
his knees in once quick motion. When he did a very hard and very long cock
slapped back up against his firm smooth stomach. It made a thwacking sound
as it did so and I could even see a string of precum stain his stomach.

He stepped over to Rex and towering above him pointed his fat cock towards
the kid's tiny face and said simply. "SUCK IT."

Once again to my disbelief, Rex obeyed, reached up grabbing his dad's cock
by the base and impaled his tiny mouth on the man's fat shiny cock knob.

Curtis let out a guttural grown as the child's lips and mouth sucked the
head of the grown man's cock like a lollipop.

"That's it boy." Curtis said overcome with newfound lust. "Suck that hard
fucker. Faster! Use your lips and your little tongue like Daddy taught
you to." Rex then opened his mouth wider circling the tip of his tongue
around the shining cock head and I could even see strings of precum coat
his small white teeth. I wanted to run. I wanted to pull the boy away and
make him stop this perverted act of INCEST, but found myself instead
leaning closer, reaching up and holding Curt's hard cock by the hairy base
so that little Rex could do a better job at sucking off his father.

Curtis looked down and moaned feeling my large hand circle around the base
of his dick and seeing that was all the encouragement he needed, lunged
forward burying his 8 inch dick down the boys sucking throat.

Rex's head bounced back from the assault as his own father literally fucked
his face. Soon Curtis was moaning and bucking his hips forward. The
obscene sounds of the kids sucking were driving me crazy. Although
Curtis's cock wasn't very thick, it was exceptionally long and especially
so against his skinny frame. But to my utter amazement the 6-year-old boy
had pretty much swallowed it whole like some little magician doing a sword

"See, I told you he could do it." Curtis said proudly like he was
comparing his kids baseball scores. He spoke between bated breaths as if
doing his best to keep from cumming. I nodded slowly still gently jacking
Curtis' cock while feeding the nasty fuck knob to his underaged son. I
even had the sudden urge to suck the man's cock myself but instead settled
on bending over and taking Rex's tiny dick between my thumb and forefinger
and fondling him like his father had only moments earlier.

The boy moaned and bucked his hips into my manipulating fingers. He really
was a nasty fag boy. My mind raced as the blood rushed to my face but I
had to try it. I bent down and slowly ran my tongue up and down the boy's
inner thigh before gently inserting the tip of his tiny cock into my adult
sized mouth. Again I heard the boy moan which was all he could do as his
mouth was still impaled with his dad's fat dick.

"MMMMmmmmm." I moaned running my tongue along the sensitive ridge beneath
it and then focusing on the boy's shinny cock head. It was the strangest
feeling I'd ever had.

"That's it Rick." Curtis said hotly. "Tongue his little cock. Suck his
little balls. Hell, I'll even let you lick his little ass."

I moaned hearing that never imagining in a million years I'd do such a
thing. But the recent display of depravity had opened up a whole new world
for me and one I found myself eagerly willing to explore.

I stood up quickly no longer able to control myself. If this is what sent
you to hell, then I'd be on the first plane there!

I reached up to unbutton my pants when Curtis stopped me.

"Hell no man. Let the little cumslut do that for you."

I removed my hands and placed them on my hips. Curtis then pushed his son
off his swollen cock and told him to 'Do me.'

The boy looked up at me and grinned. His mouth was the perfect size for
fucking and it was obscenely covered in his father's prefuck juice. It
even seemed to be dripping off his chin. He licked his lips unknowingly.
I almost shot my load seeing him do that.

I was trembling as the small boy reached up, unsnapped my pants and then
dug his small hand into the fly of my boxer shorts. I was leaking cock
snot like a water hose and the front of my pants were stained and wet.
When Rex grabbed my cock head I almost shot my load. Although he seemed to
struggle a bit at first, he had in record time pulled my erect cock through
the fly of my pants and was gripping the head like a vise.

"Fuck Rev you got a beautiful cock." Curtis said.

I smiled feeling it strangely odd to be complemented on my cock by another
man. In fact, that's a fuckin beauty! Curtis said reached down to grab my
dick like I'd done his only minutes earlier.

"Thanks." I said breathlessly just wanting to bust a nut. Curtis turned
my dick this way and that before pointing the swollen head toward his son's
small face. He boy's eyes had a far away lost look in them. I wanted to
add to that look of innocence lost and told the boy to open his mouth wide.
When he did I stuck my middle finger in his mouth as his father had done
before me and ran it around feeling the ridges of his small teeth and
thoroughly violating him with my adult finger.

"So tell Reverend Wilson what you want to do to this?" His dad said lewdly
coaching the boy to be even more obscene.

"I wanna SUCK it." Rex said as if he'd said such a thing a hundred times a

"Well ask him son." Curtis said still gripping my cock with his strong

"Rev Wilson, will you let me suck your cock?" I looked down at the boy and
nodded. "Yes you may." I said not believing I was actually going to give
in to this whole perverted scenario.

"Then do it Rex." His father said. "And if you use your teeth you get the
belt again."

Rex reached up, gently grabbed the part of my cock right behind the head
and licked the tip with his tiny tongue.

I groaned instinctively pushing my hairy hips forward.

"Come on kid." I said clenching my teeth, eyes closed tight. "Suck on
that hard dick. Deep throat it like you just did your dad."

Rex leaned up and encircled his small mouth around the head of my swollen
knob and gently began sucking running his tongue up and down the sensitive
piss slit.

"AAAAAAhh God!" I moaned as I felt his dad gently knead my hairy balls.
Then to my surprise I felt TWO tongues twisting around my swollen knob and
looked down to see both father and 6-year-old son tonguing my cock
together. Their lips wet with my precum.

"Now that's what I call teamwork." I said and grinned. Curtis was amazing
at sucking cock and it was obvious where his son got his talent from. They
took turns holding my dick up for the other one to suck.

I closed my eyes and just moaned never before experiencing anything like
this before. Curt then stood up and stepped up beside me placing his cock
next to mine and to my amazement we pushed forward popping both our adult
sized cock heads in to the boys underaged mouth. He sucked them greedily,
big eyes bulging up at us.

The wet sucking sounds and the sound of our combined breathing was driving
me crazy. I knew it was a matter of seconds before I popped my wad.

"Wanna double team him?" Curt said glancing over at me.

"I thought that's what we were doing." I said holding the base of my cock
pointing the fat leaking head into the kid's small mouth.

"Not like this man. I mean you wanna fuck him?"

I shook my head, clenching my teeth and trying to keep from cumming.

"There's no way he can take our cocks up his tiny ass."

Once again Curtis would try to prove me wrong.

"Come here boy." Curt said pulling his dick out of the boy's mouth. It
made a nasty popping sound and precum dripped onto the floor. The boy's
wide eyes followed it greedily.

"Get on all fours fuck face." He said to his son who obeyed him quickly.
He bent over like a dog, small 6-year-old ass in the air as Curtis roughly
shoved the coffee table away so he could have better access to his kids
tiny butt.

"Curt no." I said genuinely concerned for the child. "Your way too big."

"It's okay Rev. I been fuckin this kids ass since he was 3. I can get
half of it in at any rate. He's so fuckin tight."

I grabbed my dick and jacked it hearing that. It was all so fucking nasty.

"Get down here Rev and keep fucking his mouth with that big dick of yours.
I'm gonna get me some boy ass."

With that Curt bent over, hawked a huge wad of spit into the kids hairless
hole and began fingering the kid roughly with just his thumb. Without
thinking I jammed the fat head of my cock back into Rex's tiny mouth and he
continued sucking me like a pro.

I could tell Curtis was complexly focused as he moved forward, placing the
head of his shiny cock against the kid's tiny anus.

"He closed his eyes and groaned as he popped the slick head into the tiny
opening. I could tell Rex was surprised because for a moment he stopped
blowing me.

I was now face to face with Curt and could stare into his intense blue
eyes. He bent over and without warning stuck his adult tongue in my mouth.
I kissed him never before being so absolutely overcome with lust. I then
moved back to look down in amazement as the boy had almost completely
swallowed my 8-inch cock. My wiry pubes only � an inch from his tiny face.

"Oh fuckin God." I moaned shoving my hips forward trying to bury the rest
of it down his sucking throat. I could hear the kid gagging but didn't
care. I wanted nothing more than to ram his throat like his father had
told me I could do. We got into a rhythm and in no time we were
double-teaming the kid filling both his underaged holes with fat hard pedo

"Do it Curt." I said losing all control. "Fuck his tiny ass. Shove that
hard fucker deep into this gut."

I think my nasty words were having their effect as Curt began bucking his
hips faster and faster burying his 9-inch cock deeper and deeper into the
kids wide stretched ass.

"Oh man I gotta shove it all up his ass." Curt said reached down grabbing
the kid's smooth bony hips and pushing him even harder onto his pumping

"Do it man. Fucking shove that dick all the way up his ass." I said
breathlessly wanting his father to fuck him as hard as he could.

I could hear Rex grunting and groaning around my cock. His mouth gaping
open at the newfound assault taking more of his dad's dick than he ever had
before. I pumped my hips forward burying my dick back down his throat.

"Keep sucking faggot." I said reaching down taking the kid by his hair and
pounding his small face against my hairy groin - using his mouth like the
wet hole it was meant to be.

"Yeaaaaaaaaaa." Curt moaned his eyes clenched tight. "Fuck his little
face while I punch fuck his ass."

Suddenly Curt lurched forward and buried the entire length of his cock up
the kid's 6- year-old ass. The boy cried out in surprise as I buried my
cock as far down his throat as I could.

"I'm gonna fuckin CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Curt cried emptying load after load
of incestuous fuck juice up his kid's ass pumping his guts full of nasty

Seeing that I lost my own load burying my dick as deep down Rex's throat as
I could get making sure he would get a belly full.

all sense of control battering the kids face spewing cum all over his face
and nose and eyes and hair. Rex leaned back in surprise as I blew another
load directly between his eyes. Cum ran down in streams onto the carpet as
we fell over in a tangle of legs and arms.

For a moment I think I passed out and when I came to looked down to see
little Rex still nursing on the head of my spent cock. His tiny mouth like
a baby bird swallowing down what little bit of protein I had to give him.
His dad was sprawled out on the floor, his hairy legs spread wide. I
looked down to see a puddle of cum had drained out of the young boys ass.
I leaned over, stuck my mouth on his hole and began sucking out his
father's cum.

Curt rolled over as we shared a nasty kiss and a couple hours later we did
it all again until the sun came up.

I left that next morning, clothes wrinkled and stained. I saw Rex and Curt
wave from the trailer door. Curt had his jeans back on and little Rex was
still naked from the waist down. I grabbed my crotch and stroked it
openly. I realized this would be the beginning of a great relationship and
best of all, Curt was back in Church. Front and center with his little boy
Rex. It gave a whole new meaning to the term 'intervention'.

The End. Comments can be made to

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